Which Crypto Assets Should I Buy?


19.00 - 21.00 (UK)


Join our very first Crypto Cafe workshop of 2024 to prepare for the journey ahead.

  • Want to build a strong diversified portfolio of digital assets?
  • Confused about what cryptos to buy or hold in 2024?
  • Want to get a clearer idea of the different sectors, options and best potential growth assets within the market?

As the new bull market is heating up with prices beginning to rise across the board, it's an important time to evaluate your portfolio for 2024 if you want to maximise the huge opportunity ahead.

Getting educated and empowered with extra knowledge now will give you the skills and mindset to make the most of the bull market ahead.

Join us for our next Crypto Cafe session on Wednesday 10th January where we'll be evaluating strong assets across various sectors to help you build a diversified portfolio that works for your own personal risk profile.

Getting educated and empowered with extra knowledge now will give you the skills and mindset to make the most of the bull market ahead.


About Crypto Cafe

Our Crypto Cafe sessions are designed to help you navigate a new class of digital assets. We explore the good the bad and the ugly of crypto, examine market trends and demystify the tools necessary to enter the crypto ecosystem so that you become practically and emotionally prepared to make empowered financial decisions.

Each monthly crypto cafe session includes a topical session, market update and Q&A with Sam X.

Sam X

Sam presents talks on the financial reset and offers private consultations and trainings to help & empower people who are interested in understanding and investing in digital assets.

Sam is a humble and balanced individual who is not seeking fame or fortune from sharing knowledge about cryptocurrency & finance, but rather seeking to empower others so that they can take charge of their financial destiny.

DISCLAIMER: The Crypto Cafe sessions are designed for educational purposes only and are not financial advice. Please be aware that all financial investments, including cryptocurrencies, carry inherent risks. It's essential to conduct your own research and consider your risk tolerance before making any investment decisions.


Purchase standalone access OR join the Navigating the Financial Reset Programme to access all our monthly live and recorded workshops.


Purchase standalone access for this ONLINE workshop:


Join the Navigating the Financial Reset Programme

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  • Support calls twice per month to develop your knowledge and keep up to date with market developments
  • Participate in our private discussion forum to continue your learning and get inspired to take positive action
  • Get on-demand access to our full resource library and past event recordings

Become empowered with the knowledge, mindset and tools to navigate the Financial Reset